



2023-09-21 12:47:14次浏览




[欧佰天花]采用露面的龙骨明槽,承托天花板板,并可提供较大的灵活度,满足安装灯盘及通风设备的需要,让设计师自由运用空间。作接配的十字连接件亦可加设射灯,能按设计要求制作不同直径灯孔,可配置天花板射灯及通风设备。并可设置隔音棉 , 有良好的吸音功能。产品挺拔、豪放的几何造型线条,高贵大方、独特风范,顺应时代空间设计。适用大型空间或开放式办公室及多数大堂的不二之选。


[Oubuys Ceiling] square ones classification according to the material: metal ceiling and galvanized square ceiling with a variety of coating in the surface. The common specification: 600mmX600mm; 800mmx800mm; 1000mmx1000mm; 1200x1200mm etc.

[Oubuys Ceiling] adopting high technical process of flat stretch, vertical flip and another flat stretch, ensuring the smoothness of the board face, making the surface always act in the same formation when large area installation instead of uneven surface by square boards

[Oubuys Ceiling] using exposed keel channel to support the ceiling, and providing greater flexibility to meet the requirements of lamp installation and ventilation equipment, stylist's free use of space; able to add shoot light to the cross connection, making different diameter lamp holes according to different design; able to equipped with ceiling shoot light, ventilation and soundproof cotton; its geometry shape is tall and unconstrained, noble and unique,conform to the trend of times. Suitable for large space, open office or most lobbies Oubuys Ceiling's open single aluminum system is based on equal pressure principle, which has strong scientific and broad application, as well as convenient installation and reasonable structure.







电 话:020-29881818

网 址:www.obuyceiling.com

地 址:广州市番禺区迎宾路大石段202号自编3栋117号